There are various laws regulating gambling in different parts of the world. In Indonesia, for example, their laws are strongly influenced by their faith, that’s why gambling is strictly prohibited in the country. However, there are other laws that allow online gambling such as Dewa togel. In this article, let’s take a look at the gambling laws in Germany.

Gambling is regulated by different laws in Germany, most notably the State Treaty on Gambling, the Gaming Ordinance, the Criminal Code, the Youth Protection Act, and the State Gambling Acts.

State Treaty on Gambling

The goals of the State Treaty on Gambling (GlüStV) are, among other things, to “prevent the emergence of gambling addiction and betting addiction and to create the conditions for effective combating of addiction”. Gambling guaranteed. Gamblers should be “protected from fraudulent activities” and “the secondary and accompanying crime associated with gambling” should be warded off. The State Treaty on Gambling also regulates self- and third-party bans.

On July 1, 2021, the new State Treaty on Gaming (GlüStV 2021) will come into force. It was signed by the prime ministers of all federal states and contains numerous innovations compared to the previous version. The nationwide regulations include the introduction of legal gambling offers on the Internet before.

A “joint gaming authority of the states” is set up in Saxony-Anhalt “to carry out the tasks of gaming supervision, particularly in the area of ​​the Internet”. A central, nationwide, and cross-gambling blocking file will also be introduced, which will also be managed by the gaming authority.

Read also: Thailand’s Gambling Act 1935 – Is There a Need to Legalize Gambling via Integrated Resorts?

Gaming Ordinance

Slot machines in amusement arcades and restaurants are regulated in the Gaming Ordinance. The trade regulations fall within the area of ​​responsibility of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi).

Criminal code

According to Section 284 of the Criminal Code (StGB) , a game is a game of chance if

Participation in the game is for a not inconsiderable stake and
an uncertain event that does not depend significantly on the skill of the players but on chance, decides on the outcome of the game and
is played for monetary gain.

An official permit is required to organize a game of chance. Gambling without such a permit is punishable under Section 284 StGB – this applies to both the organizers and the participants.

Youth Protection Act

The rules are clear: gambling is prohibited for children under the age of 18.

This means that anyone under the age of 18 is not allowed to enter arcades and casinos. They are not allowed to play in public lotteries (e.g. scratch cards), sports betting, and poker – not even with parental permission or power of attorney. Young people are also not allowed to use slot machines in snack bars or pubs.

Amusement arcades, gambling

Children and young people must not be permitted to be present in public amusement arcades or similar rooms primarily used for gaming.

Children and young people may only participate in games with the possibility of winning in public at folk festivals, shooting matches, fairs, special markets, or similar events and only under the condition that the prize consists of goods of low value.
Gambling laws in the states

In the federal states, their own state laws regulate the implementation of the State Treaty on Gaming.